Disney's Hercules Wiki
Norse Gods
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Norse Gods

The Rulers of Asgard and the Nine realms
Background Info
Feature Films {{{Feature Films}}}
Television Hercules: The Animated Series
Voice N/A
Inspiration The Norse Gods
Character Information
Personality Varies
Appearance Varies
Affiliation Hercules
Goal Maintaining the order of the cosmos
Home Valhalla, and Asgardian, and Vanaheim
Relatives The Frost Giants
Pets N/A
Allies Hercules
Minions N/A
Enemies Loki, The Frost Giants, Fenrir Wolf
Likes the Golden Apples of Idunna
DisLikes N/A
Powers and Abilities Immortality, Superhuman Strength, Omnipresence, Energy Projection
weapons Magic Weapons
Fates To Rule Asgardian, and Valhalla, and Vanaheim Forever in The Nine Realms until Ragnarok
Quote N/A

Norse Gods or Asgard Gods  were family of gods they live in Asgard in the nine realms separated by world tree here are the listings of all the Norse gods some of them appeared in the Hercules and the Twilight of the Gods why some of them have not been mentioned yet

Norse Gods[]

Odin god of war, death, wisdom, frenzy, knowledge, healing, divination, runes, magic and gallows; king of Norse gods and the husband of Frigg

Loki god of fire, deception, chaos, evil, artifice, magic, lies and serpents.

Thor god of the sky and lightning and thunder, strength, storm, war, hallowing and consecration

Balder  god of the light  and justice and peace and joy

Forseti god of truth and peace 

Bragi god of poetry and music and the husband of Idunn

Tyr God of war and heroic Glory and law

Hermodr messenger of the gods son of Odin and Frigg

Heimdallr God of Foreknowledge, Foresight, Order and Survaillance; Keeper of the Bifröst Bridge and Guardian of Asgard

Norse Goddesses[]

Frigg  goddess of Marriage and fertility and motherhood and Keeper of Domestic Arts and Queen of the Gods and wife of Odin

Sif goddess of harvest, wheat and Earth and Family and wife of Thor

Hel goddess of Norse underworld and Death

Freyja Goddess of love, sex, beauty, fertility, gold, seidr, war, and death.

Other Gods[]

Idunn goddess of youth and spring and wife of Bragi

Freyr god of rain and sunshine

Njordr god of seas and winds

The Valkyries the goddesses of life and death and Battle and magic

The Norns the Goddess of destiny and fate

Sól The Goddess of Sun

Mani the God of Moon

Sjofn the Goddess of Love and handmaiden/Daughter of Frigg and Odin

Hodr Blind the God of Winter, Cold & Darkness

Vidar God of Space, Vengeance, Footwear and Silence

Nanna Goddess of Peace, Devotion and wife of Balder

Hœnir God of Silence, Indecision, Avoidance, and Mystery.

Powers and Abilities[]

Asgardian Gods Possesses a wide range of Powers and Abilities

  • Immortality The Ability to live Forever and be immune from injury
  • Superhuman Strength The Ability to be extremely Physical Stronger then
  • Omnipresence The Ability to be present and everwhere at the same time

some deities possess energy based abilities such as

  • Energy Projection:The ability to project energy

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